SSL Certificate & Installation

Original price was: €195.00.Current price is: €175.00.+ VAT


  1. 12 Month SSL Certificate for your domain
  2. Professional Installation and Testing
  3. Editing all links on your site to ensure HTTPS
  4. Editing .htaccess and config files to force HTTPS
  5. Editing WordPress to ensure HTTPS
  6. Backlink Inventory and Updates as necessary
  7. Testing all content and pages of your website
  8. Verification in Google Webmaster Tools


Since January 2017, Google has stepped up its enforcement of “HTTPS everywhere” by identifying websites that don’t have an SSL certificate as unsafe.

To make matters worse, the search giant has also changed its algorithm to give a lower page rank to websites that don’t have an SSL certificate installed.

Help your website rankings and ensure that your website shows Secure in browsers by purchasing and upgrading to an SSL Certificate today!


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